Counselor Education

Licensure and Graduation Requirements

A critical experience in the master’s program in Counselor Education is the clinical coursework embodied in practicum and internship. These courses require students to utilize the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom as they provide services to clients or students. The primary objective of the courses is to provide experiences, consultation, and supervision to help students become effective counselors.

The required hours for Practicum and Internship are as follows:

  • 100 hours practicum (at least 40 direct hours)
  • 600 hours internship (at least 240 direct hours)

Students and graduates of the Counselor Education program who want to become Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) in Arkansas must meet additional training requirements following graduation as outlined below:

  1. Attain 60 hours of counseling education including clinical experience in practicum and internship.
  2. Successfully pass the department comprehensive exam.
  3. Apply for and successfully pass the National Counseling Exam.
  4. Apply for licensure with the Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling (ABEC).
  5. Completing a one-credit Technology Assisted counseling course.
  6. Completing a jurisprudence exam for the state of Arkansas.
  7. Attain 3,000 hours of supervised clinical experience by an approved Licensed Professional Supervisor.

The Counselor Education Department faculty believe it is a professional responsibility to aid students in becoming certified and/or licensed and to assist students/graduates with their initial job placement. We regularly demonstrate our willingness to foster our students' success and are available to help both in and outside the classroom. Please let us know how we can help you meet your requirements for licensure and graduation.